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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

Why you should choose an ABB AVP

Why you should choose an ABB AVP

Thinking of using ABB inverters but don’t know who to go with? Here is why you should consider working with an ABB AVP.

ABB are renowned for their innovative inverter technology, which many agree is at the fore front of the drive industry. An ABB AVP (Authorised Value Provider) is a status reserved for only a few suppliers. To be an ABB AVP there is a continuous training and assessment programme we adhere to, we have certain standards and practices that must be maintained and we agree to provide support and additional ancillary services, like preventative maintenance contracts, to compliment the ABB Drive offering.

Why you should choose an ABB AVP

IDS are an ABB AVP, authorised with the official status to supply, support and service ABB drives. We specify, supply, install, commission, repair and service ABB inverters; and we are authorised to carry out warranty support for ABB.

Here are the benefits of working with IDS an ABB AVP:

Competitive Pricing

A common misconception is that better prices are available direct from ABB, this is simply not true. As an ABB AVP we enjoy special pricing not available should you go direct to buy from ABB or through a third party who is not an ABB AVP.

Up to Date ABB Training

As an AVP, we are highly trained and submit to continuous development. Beyond this, we have 20 years’ experience “designing out” drive and motor issues. IDS offer innovative, practical solutions across multiple applications.

Access to Preventative Maintenance Kits

AVPs have exclusive access to the ABB Preventative Maintenance kits, which contain ABB genuine parts. The parts and labour are guaranteed for 1 year.

Delivery Priority

As an AVP we have priority for delivery and stock availability.

Technical Backup

Only an AVP has access directly to the ABB technical team. IDS engineers are fully qualified and highly experienced, should the situation require we can also call upon ABB for assistance and technical support.


As an ABB AVP we are the forefront of the latest ABB drive technological advances and are able to pass this knowledge on to our customers.

Hopefully, this highlights the benefits of working with IDS as an ABB AVP, if you have further questions regarding working with us or our AVP status, call us on 0115 944 1036 or email [email protected]

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