CEMA Cycle Ride from Nottingham to Skegness
It’s that time of year again! The Great British summertime. We all cross our fingers and hope the British weather doesn’t let us down. For many the start of summer is all about enjoying some strawberries and Pimm’s whilst watching the tennis and cricket. For IDS MD, Blaise Ford, summertime also means the annual cycling adventure with our clients and friends from CEMA.
CEMA Cycle Ride from Nottingham to Skegness
On the 6th July, 30+ cyclists left CEMA offices in Nottingham for the annual ride to Skegness. We are pleased to report that unlike last year, Frank’s E-bike battery lasted the entire journey.
The ladies of Stickney church once again did us proud by providing the riders with scrummy refreshments and a much-needed respite.
Together the riders and the ladies of Stickney raised over £500 for Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre and each of us received a very special medal which was to commemorate the 10th Skegness bike ride.
CEMA Cycle Ride from Nottingham to Skegness

Blaise commented: “The cycle ride with CEMA is always a lot of fun. It was made extra special this year with the wonderful medals we received!”