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The Benefits of Running a Motor Slower for Longer. The picture depict the tortoise and hare with the tortoise winning the race

The Benefits of Running a Motor Slower for Longer

In an age where energy efficiency and cost reduction are paramount, businesses are increasingly seeking innovative ways to curtail energy consumption. A significant yet often overlooked strategy is the adoption of variable speed drives (VSDs) in motor operations. This article delves into the benefits of running a motor slower for longer, with the help of Variable Speed Drives.

Reduced Energy Consumption

Operating motors at slower speeds for longer periods is a straightforward yet effective method to conserve energy. When a motor runs at a lower speed, it naturally consumes less power. For instance, in pumping applications, a motor operating at 80% of its full speed consumes only 50% of the energy required at full speed. Although the process may be slower, the energy savings achieved are substantial over time​​.

Understanding the Cube Law

The principle behind these energy savings is rooted in the cube law, which relates energy consumption in pumps and fans to their operating speed. The cube law states that the power consumed by a pump or fan is proportional to the cube of its speed. Therefore, even a minor reduction in speed can lead to a significant decrease in energy consumption. For example, reducing a pump’s speed from 100% to 90% results in a power consumption drop to 72.9%, amounting to a 27.1% energy saving for just a 10% reduction in speed. This underlines the importance of using VSDs to modulate the speed of motors according to system requirements​​.

Reduced Wear and Tear

Operating at lower speeds generally causes less mechanical wear and tear on the motor and its components. This is due to reduced friction and stress on bearings, gears, and other moving parts.

Extended Equipment Life

The reduced wear extends the lifespan of the motor and associated mechanical parts, delaying the need for replacements and repairs.

Decreased Maintenance Costs

With less strain on mechanical components, the frequency and cost of maintenance are reduced. This can result in significant cost savings over the life of the motor.

Improved Reliability

Motors that operate under less mechanical stress are less likely to experience breakdowns and failures, leading to increased reliability and reduced downtime in operations.

Smoother Operation

Lower speeds often result in smoother operation, which is beneficial for applications requiring high precision and reduces the risk of mechanical shocks that can cause damage over time.

Reduced Noise and Vibration: Operating at lower speeds often results in less noise and vibration, contributing to a better working environment and reducing noise pollution.

Improved Process Control: Slower speeds allow for finer control in processes where precision is crucial, improving overall product quality.

Lower Heat Generation: Slower motor operation generates less heat, reducing the stress on the motor and associated cooling systems, thus extending the life of the motor and potentially reducing cooling costs.

Energy Efficiency at Part Load Conditions: Many systems do not need to run at full capacity all the time. Operating at slower speeds under part load conditions can be more energy efficient than running at full speed and then stopping.

Compatibility with Green Energy Initiatives: This approach aligns well with broader environmental goals and sustainability initiatives, contributing to a company’s green credentials.

Reduced Peak Power Demand: By running motors slower, peak power demand can be lowered. This not only saves on energy costs but can also reduce the strain on power grids and decrease the likelihood of power outages or the need for expensive peak power sources.

Find Out More About the Benefits of Running a Motor Slower for Longer

Running motors at reduced speeds for extended periods offers a range of benefits, including significant energy savings, reduced mechanical stress, and enhanced longevity of your equipment. If you’re looking to optimise your motor-driven systems for efficiency and reliability, consider the adoption of variable speed drives. For more information on how this technology can benefit your operations, or to discuss specific solutions tailored to your needs, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced engineers call 0115 944 1036 or email [email protected]. We’re here to help you make the most of your motor applications and drive your business towards a more sustainable and cost-effective future.

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