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Inverter Drive Systems Ltd

IDS are ABB Inverter specialists. We specify, install, commission, repair, service and hire variable speed drives.

The Energy Savers That Cost You More

The Energy Savers That Cost You More

A recent Telegraph article claims: Many products that claim to reduce our energy bills are simply expensive gimmicks

Whilst this article reviews domestic appliances and energy saving devices, the message is still pertinent for industrial users…. beware, not every gadget, gizmo and appliance will have the levels of energy saving you may be expecting. In fact some of these cost saving methods take years to pay for themselves rather than months!

The Energy Savers That Cost You More

Most commonly when companies look to reduce their energy consumption they will look at the lighting or under floor heating, these can save small fortunes for businesses. However, commissioning inverters to heavy energy using applications such as air handling units, air compressors, pumps, fans and refrigeration units etc. can far exceed these other savings. We are not suggesting you should favour one option over the other but we are suggesting that you look into the payback times and the residual saving opportunity. This website claims the payback on the lighting side is on average 2.5 years!

On average the payback time you can expect from fitting an inverter to one of the above mentioned applications can be as quick as 9 months! Of course it’s not just about return on the original investment, it’s about the continuous savings you can enjoy, year on year.

To see if your business premises can benefit from the energy and cost savings available, you can request a free energy saving survey, simply call 0115 944 1036 email [email protected] or complete the form  here and we will get back to you to arrange a mutually convenient date/time.


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